The Easy Club on the Road in Mid Argyll

The Easy Club on the Road in Mid Argyll

The Easy Club is open to anyone and everyone in the area who wishes to listen to and to make music. Special attention is given to supporting vulnerable or socially isolated people to join in – people with disabilities or mental health or other long-term health conditions. The Club holds regular workshops and shows, and participants are creating original new music. The intention is to take this music to communities throughout Mid Argyll, sharing with and encouraging others to join in.


Listening to and playing music are extremely beneficial to health and wellbeing. Collaborating in learning workshops and in making new music, and recording, and performing, increases skills and confidence. The Easy Club’s participants find new friendships, and all activities are easy to access, and are free, and are fun. Most activity has been in Lochgilphead, but now we want reach other parts and people, and find new audiences and new players and singers.

Sounds like a good idea. Music lifts the spirits and great to hear that this project wants to add inclusivity with their music plans x

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