Coll Skiff

Coll Skiff

We need money for a community Skiff project. Coll community have been given the opportunity to build a Four person skiff boat, alongside the island of Tiree. We need to raise a significant amount of money to either purchase a ready made skiff or purchase a self build kit. The idea is that the skiff will encourage Coll’s community to work together more on an exciting new project. It will also encourage friendly competition with other local islands as we could participate in races.


The Skiff project will assist with community cohesion and team work. It will bring together a wide range of different people with differing skills and allow them to work cooperatively. The Skiff project will improve Health and Wellbeing outcomes by providing opportunities for skill sharing friendships and exercise. It will also help members of an isolated and remote community to build lasting relationships with other communities and islanders by engaging us in competition.

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