Influencing Councils' Decisions & Strategies

Influencing Councils' Decisions & Strategies

Work to ensure that there is a place for non-elected co-opted members on the strategic committees, for example: Planning & Policy Steering Group & Scrutiny Panels. This is currently normal practice in Bournemouth. This provides the opportunity to influence Policies & Strategies at an early stage.


In some places this is done like a court, entering independent evidence into a topic to be considered. Creating a method of inviting evidence (other than the current 3 minutes, or from officer reports) could help. In consensus decision making where there is conflict, it is common to bring in new information to help reach a stronger conclusion. If there is strong community engagement up front this can help inform strategic committees.

CIL: The community need to have a say on how the Community Infrastruacture Levy and S.106 monies, levied from local developments, is spent in the area. At present the community does not have a say and £1000s gets filtered off for projects that should be funded by the Councils core budget (even in this day of austerity). Other LPAs have committees made up of locla community groups and. Neighbourhood forums.

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