Developing Principles for Economic Pluralism

Developing Principles for Economic Pluralism

We are developing standards for masters programmes to be considered pluralist. Please suggest standards you think are missing; give pros and cons on the ones already here; and vote on standards and importance of existing pros and cons. For instructions see short video on left.


Teach how to allocate resources sustainably without markets

Gaining a more scientific understanding of macroeconomics

Focus on real-world problems and application

Global South perspectives

Teaching various schools of thought

Reintegrating Energy/natural resources into economic theory

Establishing a critical pluralist practice

Limitations of neoclassical economics

Defining a sustainable unit of value to sustain humanity

Critical reflection

Understanding relation of alternative styles of analysis

Pluralism = Liberalism + Institutionalism + Structuralism

Utter honesty

Identification of master programs in economics

Teach how accountants fail to report investor overpayments

What do our potential students want and need?

Masters Programmes Eligible for Accreditation

The Importance of the Teaching Style

The Question of "Proper Economics"

Data Pluralism

Bringing back the human heart to its place in the center

Major and minor aspects of the "Big Picture"

Teaching Beyond the Boundaries of Evidence

Learning (+assessment) criteria for your masters programme

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